James Pallister
Silicon engineer at XTX Markets.
Previously, Silicon Verification Director at Graphcore, focusing on processor verification and silicon infrastructure.
I completed my PhD in Computer Science at the University of Bristol, looking at energy efficiency, compilers and how we can make our software and hardware use less energy.
PhD thesis: Exploring the fundamental differences between compiler optimisations for energy and for performance.
- Papers (Google scholar)
- Patents
- Talks / Research activities
- Over summer I worked for Embecosm on a research project: Identifying Compiler Options to Minimize Energy Consumption by Embedded Programs (paper). Visit Embecosm's blogpost for more details on the project.
- I also developed a set of benchmarks for testing energy consumpion in embedded devices (paper, blogpost, code).
- I gave a presentation to the NMI for their Every Joule Counts event. The presentation discussed how optimizations in the compiler affect a programs energy usage, talking about general trends seen.
- A talk on energy efficient compiler optmizations was given to OSHUG (Video, slides).
- I presented at the PEGPUM workshop at HiPEAC'13 in Berlin.
- The work on compiler optimizations and their impact on energy consumption was presented at GCC Cauldron 2013 (Video, slides).
- I talked about the Parallella project and parallel programming, at the "Preparing for Parallella" event, Bletchley Park (Video, Slides).
- I received a HiPEAC intership to work with Embecosm (Summer 2013), exploring superoptimization for energy consumption.
- I gave a talk at OSHcamp/Wuthering Bytes, on energy consumption and how to measure it (Video, Slides).
- The MAGEEC project ran an Energy Efficient Devroom at FOSDEM2014.
- I spoke at the Linux Collaboration Summit 2014 (description, slides).
- I won the NMI's young engineer of the year 2014 award!
- I spoke at FOSDEM 2015 - Superoptimization: How fast can your code go? (slides).
You can contact me at james @ this domain.